Cosmic Ocean

  1. Speirs/Lipton

    band of brothers
    By Melker il 20 Feb. 2023
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    La maggior parte delle storie elencate sono concluse, ma alucne sono ancora W.I.P.
    Oh, quasi dimenticavo: sono tutte in inglese!

    Wicked Game - somebody is playing a dangerous game with Ronald Speirs

    Reverse Pathetic Fallacy - Lipton gets pneumonia and the chance to see a different side of Lieutenant Speirs and Easy Company.

    Spoils of War - Speirs loots his way through Europe and usually doesn't give anything away - until he does.

    After Bastogne - Don’t fall back. Dig in deeper. Above all else, hold the line.

    Officer's Poker - It was the end of the third hand, and Lipton could feel something different in the air tonight. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but it might have had something to do with being in the Eagle's nest, Hitlers private hotel. Nixon looked sly, well, slyer then usual. He had a smirk that never seemed to leave his lips, even when he sipped his VAT 69.

    Breaking A Fever - The book says schnapps and Apfelstrudel were the cure, but I like to think this was a much more efficacious remedy.

    Indelible - It would be easy to say it started with a look, Lipton’s warm eyes catching his when the lieutenant’s bar was pinned to his collar.

    In A Warm and Quiet Place - The same atmosphere from the night before rose up between them, a hint at an intimacy that resisted definition and blossomed in a bedroom with a closed door.

    All Alone, All Together - He’d be lying if he said he didn’t understand Harry. He understood him just fine. He just didn’t want to.

    Fighting Gravity - Lipton was not obsessed, he was plagued with remorse.

    Does He Cook? - George is feeling valiant yet a little sleep deprived when he discovers that Captain Speirs may have an interesting quirk.
    From this, he begins to devise a scheme.

    Speak - Carwood Lipton is having trouble talking to his soulmate.

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    Last Post by Melker il 20 Feb. 2023